The success story of GTAP Blog

Adeel-AyubAdeel Ayub is a Pakistani Blogger and Online Marketing Professional. He is a university graduate and also maintaining few nice blogs. Geo tau Aisay Pakistan is one of his successful blog which was awarded the Best News Media Channel Blog in the 1st Annual Pakistan Blog Awards organized by CIO Pakistan and Google Pakistan.

As stated by GTAP there blog…

Geo Tau Aisay is a blog made for the purpose for motivating other people of Pakistan. They are looking for the Pakistani writers who can speak for their country by showing the good and also by criticism.

Geo Tau Aisay is an effective platform for young and all voices of Pakistan to be heard. May it be Politics, National or International Affairs, Pakistan at technology scene, Health, and lot more… but in a pure Pakistani and Desi Style.

Geo tu Aisay Pakistan

I did not have a full fledge meeting with the Adeel, author of GTAP but I found him doing great with his blog as his blog got selected for an award in very short time. The Blog GTAP is a WordPress based blog and it is designed in a very suitable manner; its theme is simple yet professional. A nicely designed logo, green color from Pakistani flag and white background that is suitable for reading blog posts. So I thought to learn a little from Adeel’s experience and then let everybody learn it by arranging an interview. So here it is.

Yasir: Thank you Adeel for giving me an opportunity to learn from your knowledge. As I feel you have well enough knowledge in Blogging and online marketing, so I got few questions for you, I hope it will be comfortable for you to answer. Please explain the way you promote your blog. Difficulties you found during blogging. What are the practices you adopt in blogging that you think I and other bloggers don’t know about blogging.

Adeel: I am also thankful to you as you provided me to talk to your readers, well I promote blog in different ways but the most effective is SEO. Seo or search engine optimization is very wast term you can easily found enough material online about it. Anyone can become a successful blogger for that they have to be up to date and always post unique content (means do not copy paste) after that there are few tips like social bookmarking, article writing, guest writing etc which helps to increase the traffic to your blog.

Yasir: Do you think blogging can be a good source for generating income.

Adeel: Yes blogging can be a good source of income but it depends on your area of interest like if you write about Pakistan then you will not have good earnings because in Pakistan people have not enough knowledge about online advertising. As far as my observation is concern if you want to earn then go for Technology blog.

Yasir: Did you participate in any training or do you have any learning experience about blogging.

Adeel: Yes I have attended some seminars and lectures but as I already told you that I am an online marketing professional so blogging is a part of online marketing.

Yasir: What exactly an online marketing professional is and is it possible for a new blogger to become OMP. Is required education for becoming OMP available in Pakistan?

Adeel: Online Marketing is broad term in which we do marketing and advertising for any website. We do marketing through different tools like SEO (Search engine optimization – Free), SEM (Search engine Marketing – Paid), Article Writing, Blogs and Fourms. We also work on website usability so that visitor will not found any difficulty while browsing your site. (Note*: You can find enough details on internet about these terms)

Yes any one can become a good OMP by learning, and there are millions of articles, videos and presentations are available online for free which are very simple and easy to understand. You just have to read it. Now Pasha and Badar Khushnood (Country Consultant Google Pakistan) are working on it.

Yasir: If Computer education (a university degree like BS/MS) and Business education (MBA) are required to run a successful blog. Do people have success without these University degrees?

Adeel: You don’t need to have some specific degree to run a successful blog, but you have to be creative and talk about some thing new, so that readers love to read your blog. Computer education add advantage if you are running any Tech blog.

It’s up to you, how creative you are, but I must say if you have good education then obviously you’ll be different from others. And blogging can only be successful if you are different from others.

Yasir: Are new bloggers in Pakistan taking “Earning Online” seriously? A lot of people are doing copying/past stuff from other blogs to own blogs, and then they install AdSense code in their blogs and expect income, is it works?

Adeel: I don’t think so, and the reason is lack of knowledge. Copy/pasting is the worst thing that people do, Google hates Copy/Pasting. May be in start your blog might be got indexed in Google but later on Google might throw you out (de-indexing). If you want to earn good income then you must have to come up with the unique and up to date content with the good knowledge of SEO.

Yasir: Are there any other sources available for online income as compared to Google adsense. Do you use any of them? Are they worth our efforts? Additionally what is your opinion about affiliate marketing?

Adeel: Yes there are so many websites offers you to earn online (For Example:, and I used them but the best result is from Google AdSense. Affiliate Marketing (read my article:

Yasir: List down a few Pakistani blogs you like and you find them a professional blog regarding online earning only.

Adeel: Here is the list as you asked.

Yasir: List down a few Pakistani blogs you like that are not intended for online earning e.g. political blogs, Personal Blogs etc

Adeel: Here is the list.

Yasir: Do you think Facebook is a good way to promote blogging. What is your opinion about recent issues of Facebook with Muslims?  As Facebook showed a double policy, different policy for Islam and different for Jews. (I hope you know these issues). Do you think Pakistanis should continue using Facebook or leave it?

Adeel: Facebook is the biggest social networking site and really a useful to promote your blog. Well my opinion about issues about facebook is very simple.

“Reality cannot be changed” and we Muslims know what is reality, what is truth.

I cannot comment more because this is very sensitive issue.

Yasir: Do you think Blogging is a media, is it powerful than traditional print media? Does an opinion from the bloggers affect the country?

Adeel: Blogging is Social Media and it can be powerful then traditional print media BUT NOT IN PAKISTAN.

Yasir: What are Best Pakistani blog aggregators? Do you think their administration is actively playing some role in promoting Pakistani Blogosphere?

Adeel: There are very few good Blog Aggregators I think only 2-3, I can name them easily (, and but I am sorry to say that these guys are not active especially ( and, even they did not reply to any query, this is what I experienced.

Yasir: Thank you for giving us your precious time and huge wealth of information.

Adeel: You are welcome, it’s my pleasure. If readers want to ask me any question, please post it in comments below.

Learning process never ends in life, we always learn from our interaction with others. I am myself trying to learn this kind of stuff because it is interesting. Blogging makes you famous, it help you to express yourself to the world. If you try to improve your blog in a professional way it could be a full time job. However doing a 9 to 5 job and additionally running blogs is a great hobby. Thank for reading, I’ll appreciate your comments.

More related to this at my Blog

About Yasir Imran

Yasir Imran is a Pakistani living in Saudi Arabia. He writes because he want to express his thoughts. It is not necessary you agree what he says, You may express your thoughts in your comments. Once reviewed and approved your comments will appear in the discussion.
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11 Responses to The success story of GTAP Blog

  1. technologiez says:

    Really good work please stumble your latest post i am waiting for it. keep growing

  2. Muhabbet says:

    thank you very god

  3. Thank You Yasir for giving me opportunity to share my opinion with your readers 🙂

  4. Yasir Imran says:

    You are welcome brother.

  5. Pingback: 14 Tips For Better Blogging | Yasir Imran Mirza

  6. Ali R. Khan says:

    Really Nice. The guy ate GTAP is doing really Good and I’m glad that they won this award.
    Really interesting interview Yasir.

    Ali R. Khan

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