What kind of Patriotism it is?

Insulting Pakistani people is not a new thing in India, It is an old tradition. Starting from cricketers to showbiz people. It was Indian news media or Indian movies, everybody took part in that. Their main focus is to Insult all kinds of Pakistanis, Pakistani army, Pakistani civilians, Pakistani showbiz people or what so ever. Before few days I got a chance to watch Indian movie “Ghadar”. In the movie they alleged Pakistanis raping Sikh & Hindu girls at the time of partition and also they blame on Pakistani police and government of 1947 to forcefully migrating Hindus from India.

Even now a days Atif Aslam (Pakistani singer) was insulted by some famous Indian musicians. You can look for videos at YouTube.com

I have found another story at YouTube. In a singing competition at Indian TV show “Sa Re Ga Ma Pa”. Few Pakistani participants were called for performance and they started singing a famous Pakistani patriotic song “Jazba-e-Junnon” originally from Junnon band of Pakistan. This has been recorded back in 2007. These lyrics of this song were modified just to remove the word “Pakistan” from it. Now it is not clear that participants did it themselves or they were forced to do it.

If these boys did it by themselves, what Kind of love they have for Pakistan, which enforce them not to sing Pakistan, just for the sake of a competition they destroyed a beautiful song.

About Yasir Imran

Yasir Imran is a Pakistani living in Saudi Arabia. He writes because he want to express his thoughts. It is not necessary you agree what he says, You may express your thoughts in your comments. Once reviewed and approved your comments will appear in the discussion.
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13 Responses to What kind of Patriotism it is?

  1. This was a very famous show also here in pakistan, as almost all the music shows are being participated by Pakistani youth. And as for i remember about that specific episode, it started a controversy regarding national songs…. After a year or so, again pakistani singer Sara (now she is popular as she sung some great songs on PTV) also faced a similar controversy by a judge in the same show. They always do this, whether like in this video or in open. Now, this trend is fading regarding music shows. Pakistani singers are very well known in India, n here also some Music shows n talent hunts has changed the trend…. people need a vent to show them off.. if u dont give them, they will search for the one which is not that graceful.

  2. Yasir Imran says:

    Thank you Ain-Lam-Meem
    for visiting my blog and for your comments.
    I don’t know why Pakistanis fond of music that much. Such biased shows should not be seen with that much interest. My main focus is, Why Pakistani participants did that.
    They should simply retire from the show.
    About arranging similar shows in Pakistan, you are right, I agree to that.
    Wa slam

  3. neel123 says:

    @ Yasir Imran,

    Are you aware that in Pakistan hatred and intolerance towards India and Hindus is taught systematically through the school curriculum, which you will not find in India…. ?
    Are you also aware that in Pakistan, hatred and intolerance towards India and Hindus is preached on a regular basis by the mullahs, in the mosque and elsewhere …. ?

    Are you aware that the Pakistani Army has a decades old policy of using the terrorists, to bleed India with thousand cuts……….. ?

    Are you aware that most of the Pakistanis watch Indian cinema and TV on regular basis, inspite of the ban ( which is a sham) by the Pakistani authorities ……….. ?

    Considering the above, don’t you think Indian response is too mild ……… ?

  4. Yasir Imran says:

    @ Neel
    Thank you for giving your reviews. I don’t think so what you are saying is absolutely true. After writing this post I have received extremely abusive comment to Pakistan, to Pakistanis, to Islam and our holy prophet Muhammad (PBUH) from some Hindu in Mumbai. That is totally not acceptable for me, I have deleted that comment. How can you say Hatred is not taught in Indian curriculum. Whatever I wrote is basically true facts, I didn’t write any abusive content to India or Hindus, I never abused “RAM”, “SHANKER”, or “KRISHNA”.

    Indian government is the one who is doing killing in Jammu & Kashmir from more than 60 years. They are overstepping on water issues in Kashmir, trying to destroy Pakistan’s agriculture. They are involved in creating terrorism activities in Baluchistan and Northern areas of Pakistan.

    I am not sure who you are, but whatever language you are speaking is a language of hate, hate for Mullahs. How you can say it is not taught as your language is a live example of that.

    Pakistan has banned Indian cinema officially because it clashes with Pakistani culture and religious grounds. It is our right to allow people what is right for them to see. A media from outside the country has to follow the policies of country, As Google, you-tube and Flickr not showing bad content in many countries as per their media policy.

  5. neel123 says:

    @ Yasir Imran,

    First of all, please do not generalize all Indians, I as an India never take pleasure in attacking another religion, and in India the religious minorities are thriving, unlike in Pakistan where the number of the religious minorities have dwindled to almost nothing in last 63 years !

    Secondly, Kashmir is an internal issue of India, no fu**ing business of you Pakistanis. What has happened in Kashmir, happening now, and who is behind all these, is open to the whole world. And you Pakistanis should take lesson from the fact that the western powers have rejected Pakistan’s repeated appeal to get involved.

    You also would probably agree that state sponsored terrorism is not a one way traffic, and Pakistani army’s decades old policy to ” bleed India with thousand cuts ” is now getting a befitting response from India. So, the choice is with you Pakistanis, blaming India for Balochistan and other areas will not help……you can not have it both ways……… it is time for the Pakistani Army to re-think the past policies !

    Quote ” Pakistan has banned Indian cinema officially because it clashes with Pakistani culture and religious grounds. It is our right to allow people what is right for them to see. ” unquote.
    – this is the most outrageous argument on might have seen …… this hypocrisy at its best …….. ! Are you not aware how Google was banned in china, and the Chinese were unable to access it …….. ?

    And finally, you are correct I have a lot of hate, for what I have seen for the last many decades …….. I am not a hypocrite …….. !

    • Yasir Imran says:

      @ Neel
      No country is bunch of terrorists & extremists. If you don’t want to generallize all Indians please don’t generallize Pakistanis too. Good & Bad people exist everywhere. If facts about minorities are not good in Pak then it seems worst in India. Don’t forget Gujarat riots & killing of Sikhs & Christians many times. You got to watch this video, what is happening in the world’s biggest democratic country, Police is silent on open terrorism.

      Kashimir is not an internal issue of India but it is a disputed territory, you got to look at official sources.

      However I assume this debate will not end & no-one will accept himself wrong. You are feeded by your media & we are by ours. And I accept west playing role of anti-islam. Because they are aware Islam is only religion that might dominate the world sometime in future & they are afraid of it, that’s why they are making conspiracies against it. That’s why Muslims are internally weak but soon their good time will come when they ‘ll realize importance of knowledge and education and when they ‘ll start practicing true Islamic teachings.

      There is absolutely nothing to hate about a common Pakistani, they are people like Indians, It is up to you what you feel about them.

  6. Pingback: What if somebody insulting Islam | Yasir Imran Mirza

  7. Shobhit says:

    The argument above between religions is just fascinating, than arguing for religion, one must work towards its values. Any religion is by ppl and they are the one who make it or break it. one should truely work towards the said and prove good for the sake of humanity.

    One thing about discussion above, which has pinched me is “Because they are aware Islam is only religion that might dominate the world sometime in future & they are afraid of it, that’s why they are making conspiracies against it”.

    I feel pity for the above stmt made as no God has stated that He or his Religion will want to dominate or will dominate. God rather says, He prevails everywhere and will continue to do so for ever. So at this point it is more important for us know our religion first without any preconceived notions of what will happen, coz the time given to us is just not enough and that’s why we are reincarnating.

    • Yasir Imran says:

      Thank you for giving your opinion. What you said might be true as per your opinion and what I said I feel it true as per my knowledge.
      Thanks 🙂

  8. Usman says:

    I totally agree on this matter. It is old Indian Tradition to do Propaganda against Pakistan. I think this is the mistake of those Pakistani’s who are trapped by these Jealous Indians. I think we should ban all the singers who go to India for performing in a reality show. We have a lot of Talent and now Pakistani Media should stop displaying Indian Programs.

  9. Well Yaasir, first read this Completely to know the Truth,


    Now , Gujrat Riots ? Right , Who started it ? Who burned the Train of Hindu Travellers in Godhra first ? Muslims , No or Yes ?
    Punjab Riots of 1947 ? 3 March to 15 th August . Muslim Leaguers with Musallis were Killing Hindu/Sikhs in Western Punjab like Animals ? No ?
    East Indian Punjab ( Now divided into 3 States Punjab/Himachal/Haryana) was Silent for 6 Months No ? Muslims were fucked out of East Punjab only after Hindus/Sikhs had suffered for 6 Months like Animals and West Punjab was already Empty of Hindus/Sikhs ? No ? What is wrong in that Movie ‘Gadar’ ? Tell Me Musalli Aajam ?

    Ok , You look your face in Mirror first , Do you look Indian or Turkish or Arab ?
    Are you Indian(now Pakistani ofcourse) or Turkish or Arab , So tell me are you Musalli , Ajlaf , Aajam or Desi Pakistani ? Correct Tell Me ?

    So , If you read this Article thoroughly then you will understand correctly ,

    Kashmir ? Ok , From 1947 to 1990 Kashmir was peaceful and People used to go there for Holidays. Kashmiris had no Problems with India during these 43 YEars and suddenly in 1990 they started experiencing Problems ? Think with the LITTLE-MIND you have ? Moreover , India is Secular COuntry with Religion having no importance unlike your Mullah Infested Theocratic Hell called Pakistan which nobody likes all over the World.

    Again read that Article in Detail and If you have Tattas to face truth read this also,

  10. Prasanth Vishnu says:

    The fundamental problem lies in the trained mindset of a Muslim that ” Only Islam is the right one”. A Hindu can accept a Muslim practicing Islam even in his house. Can ever a Muslim allow idol worship in his territory? Hinduism has the richness of all kinds of views, sciences, literature, arts and what not? It has evolved through centuries and centuries. How far logic of a man could go, Hinduism has gone beyond it. But, it accepts every ideology. So, learn to accept everything and do not hold your conditioning that only Islam is the true one.

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